Welcome to the documentation of ERC-6900. These docs aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the standard, including guides, references and overview of the ecosystem.

What is ERC-6900?
ERC-6900 is laying the groundwork for a future of permissionless innovation in modular smart accounts. By standardizing account interfaces and modules, ERC-6900 seeks to make it easier for developers to build secure, interoperable and composable modular smart accounts and modules.
Why ERC-6900?
ERC-6900 was created to address fragmentation in smart contract accounts by introducing a standardized modular framework. While ERC-4337 abstracts execution and validation logic, custom features like session keys, subscriptions, and spending limits currently require platform-specific implementations or proprietary module systems. This leads to poor user experience, platform lock-in, and duplicated development efforts.
ERC-6900 standardizes modular smart contract accounts, enabling seamless integration of standard-conformant modules. These modules can include execution logic, validation functions, and hooks for pre- and post-execution controls. By adopting this standard, smart contract accounts gain modular, upgradable functionality, improving security, interoperability, and ease of development.
The Standard
ERC-6900 seeks to foster a growing ecosystem of both smart account and module developers by standardizing basic functions and interfaces. At a high level, it does this by standardizing how accounts and modules interact with each other, as well as the pre-installation requirements for modules.
More specifically, the standard focuses on two key goals:
- Provide standards for designing modules for smart contract accounts.
- Provide standards for how compliant accounts should interact with modules.
Reference Implementation
The reference implementation of ERC-6900 can be found here.
Working Group Discussion
The working group of ERC-6900 developers meet once a week to discuss standard improvements.
If you're interested in more active participation with the working group discussions, please comment on this Github issue.
Standard Improvements
Ideas and proposals for standard improvements are found in Issues.